Governor Yari of Zamfara And the Boko Haram Mentality

Two weeks back Governor Yari embarrassingly came out to tell the whole nation that the reason why there is new strain of meningitis is because the people have moved away from Allah in their deeds, not just that, when he was scolded by the Emir of Kano, the governor went back to the media to reiterate what he said and this time backed it up with the Holy Quran. Yet this did not become the subject of interest in Northern Nigerians but the call for reform in the north by the Emir of Kano which is still trending on social media.

What kind of thinking would attribute meningitis to punishment from Allah despite the amount of scientific evidence available on this matter? The Boko Haram mentality. The governor jettisoned science and went back to start quoting Quran wrongly. Did he see a revelation from Allah? I doubt that. Yet he went all cleric on us and this issue is not trending on social media but the Emir of Kano for telling the north the shameful truth they don't want to hear.

Is it not Governor Yari that is bringing his people to ridicule and by dragging Islam into this making the entire Muslim Umma in Nigeria look like they don't know what they are doing? How can a man, a governor for that matter, just goof like that and drag Quran into it without being scolded, to add salt to injury I saw video of some clowns in Zamfara protesting in support of the governor. Yes, I know most of these protests are sponsored, but it is just pathetic and annoying.

I thought Northern Nigerian Muslim intellectuals and commentators that I see everyday on Facebook ostentatiously displaying their knowledge and some bragging about foreign degrees or rather graduating at very young age, would be on this case, but none of them gave it much attention.

I thought Zamfara State leaders have stopped embarrassing their people since one of their ex-governor married a 13 years old Egyptian girl and tried to defend it when the news went viral by quoting Quran and all. In fact he didn't exactly marry the girl but made the father rich and the girl was given to him, it was somehow like buying the girl. 

Sani Yerima came up with all sorts of logic and covered it all up with Islam and got away with it in a country where government is trying to discourage child marriage, encourage female education, because of cases of VVF and the likes. In fact what baffles me is the overwhelming support Yerima got from the north that period. Just wrap any bullshit around religion in Nigeria and you are most likely to get away with it. And Governor Yari looks like he has gotten away with this one too.

This type of mentality reminds me of the likes of Yahya Jemmeh, former dictator or Gambia who was embarrassingly forced out after he refused to handover power after losing an election the he personally conducted and later congratulated the winner. His trademark was carrying Quran around and holding a bead to show he is religious and to get support from gullible followers, maybe he sees it as a charm even, I doubt if he even reads the Quran. Well, if he did, it doesn't look like he applies the common sense you get from reading such holy books. Yahya Jammeh concocted some concussions and claimed to treat AIDS.

If a governor has this type of mentality, I wonder how he became governor, but then we are talking about Zamfara here. This is the story that should be trending and I expected backlash from these sometimes pompous intellectuals, but what am I seeing? They are on the case of the Emir of Kano and quite a lot of them are against Emir.
