Establishment Of ICT Centres In Zamfara Public School:

For any nation to boast of educational development, it should be able to boast of viable and functional Information and Communication Technology (ICT) especially in this past changing world where globalization is the leading trend.

It was on this view, that Zamfara State Universal Basic Education Board established 41 Nos. ICT Centres in public schools across the state and equipped them with all necessary facilities. In the same direction, the Board has employed teachers that will teach pupils the basic computer skills in the new centres.

According to the Executive Chairman of the Board, Hon Murtala Adamu (Matawallen Jangebe) the introduction of ICT in education, would accelerate, enrich and deepen basic skills in reading, writing, arithmetic and the science. He said the ICT provides pupils with practical and functional knowledge of the computer and also helps them to react intelligently to future challenges.

Source: ZSUBEB
