The Removal Of Mugabe As W.H.O Goodwill Ambassador

Under pressure from its major Western donors, the World Health Organization (WHO) has rescinded the appointment of President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe as WHO Goodwill Ambassador.

As usual, they claimed that Mugabe’s dowdy human rights record is incongruous with such global recognition. Once again, the Western nations have revealed their hypocrisy and double standard. This hypocrisy undermines the credibility of the Western nations.

In September 2015, Saudi Arabia was controversially appointed to chair the UN Human Rights Panel, despite its bad human rights record back home. Not once did the United States, UK, France, Germany or any Western country officially protest the appointment of Saudi Arabia as the chair of the United Nations Human Rights Panel.

If these Western countries are sincerely committed to human rights by making it a condition for recognizing and respecting leaders of sovereign States, this rule should be universally and evenly applied. This moral sentiment for human rights should not be sacrificed on the altar of economic interests or other dubious factors.

You don't have to like Mugabe, but you can't deny that he is a true African nationalist.

In 2011, he condemned South Africa, Nigeria and Gabon for voting in support of the UN Security Council Resolution, authorizing NATO military intervention in Libya to protect the so-called civilians, which turned out to be a pretext for regime change, resulting in the vicious extra judicial murder of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi by Western backed gangs of rebels.

The Arab League, led by Saudi Arabia, also voted in support of the NATO military intervention in Libya. One of the allegations against Gaddafi was that he was a dictator, an enemy of democracy and human rights.

Ironically, which of the Arab League member countries that obsequiously supported the NATO imperialist invasion of Libya can boast of democratic credentials or respect for human rights?

Saudi Arabia has been bombing civilians, including women and children in Yemen, using American made weapons. Surprisingly, America has remained morally timid to officially and forcefully condemn the human rights record of its Arab and Middle East stooges.

The removal of Mugabe as WHO Goodwill Ambassador because of his alleged poor human rights record is, therefore, a demonstration disgusting hypocrisy.

- Na-Allah Muhammad Zagga
