The Dismissal Of thousands Local Government staff In Kaduna State

By Hakeem Baba-Ahmed

The dismissal of thousands of Local Government staff currently going on in Kaduna State will be chalked up as one more anti-people policy by the administration of Governor Nasir el-Rufai.

This is the governor who has usurped the powers of Local Governments in order to make life even more miserable for citizens. The governor who claims he is involved in reinventing Kaduna will not allow the people to elect their leaders at Local Government level.

Elected Local Government leaders will then be accountable to the people over their decisions on primary school teachers and other Local Government staff. Even military governments allowed for elected Local Government leaders on many occasions.

Our governor thinks democracy is too good for our people, the same people who preferred him to a PDP candidate in 2015. So he has amassed all powers to decide entire fates of thousands of families.

For every dismissed staff there will at least 15 mouths from whom this governor is taking away food.

If the dismissal of these employees (as well the over 21,000 teachers lining up for dismissal) will dramatically improve the fortunes of the citizenry, the governor should have the humility to tell the world how this will be the case.

We will understand the argument that Local Governments have too many staff on their payroll. What will make this claim problematic is that it will be made by His Imperial Majesty, a leader citizens have learnt to distrust.

These are the worst circumstances under which a bread winner will lose his/her job. To the thousands being dismissed, we will pray that God will look after you. Your circumstances will change, in sha Allah.

HazbunAllah Wa Niimal Wakil.
