To Mr. President, Northern Senators And Reps.

By: Ismail Sabo Ringim.

Even though I was lucky to be part of those who were pre-selected for N-Power adhoc job, that doesn't mean I shouldn't speak out the truth concerning  the erroneous selection process.

Lots of complaints have arisen from people especially the Northern Muslim Population that Northerners were outrightly sidelined in the selection. I have checked out with my phone the pre-selection status of many applicants but the result is disheartening, alarming and quite unfortunate. It's sadly one in almost every 30 applicants that were successfully selected for the physical verification. Going by this statistics, it means less than 10% of those who wrote the online test were selected in almost every local government in the North, so one need to ask the question of who were really selected if it's truly true that 300,000 youths would be empowered this time?

Many Muslims and of course Northerners have suspected a foul in the form of either religion or regionalism that comes into play during the selection process. While some were attributing this to the Presence of Vice President, who as everyone knows is a Christian Southerner as the complete overseer or simply the head of the N-Power Ministry, others have believed that having higher percentage of Christians as the staff who carried out the selection is what caused the sidelining of the Muslim Northerners in the process.

However, nor matter what it is or what it might be, we the affected Youths in the North were calling for complete revisit and review of the selection saga.

As we have already known Mr. President to be a man of integrity and a trustworthy person, we optimistically hope he will listen to our complaints with a view of ensuring that justice and fairness are served, the entire list should be cancelled and a new selection team be formed with full participation from all the geopolitical zones in the country as this will ensure that every region, every tribe and every religion were treated fairly.

As the president always claim to be fair to everybody, let his character of fairness act here, let tribalism, regionalism, religion and politics be completely eliminated in the 2017 N-POWER SELECTION PROCESS.

We similarly call for our Representatives in the National Assembly and our Senators from North to extend our complaints to the chamber and ensure that justice is done to the people who brought them there, to the people they are representing, to the people without whom they will never be what they presently are.

Anything short of these may cause chaos, tribal taboos and disorganisation among Nigerians and may trigger the affected Youths to fight for justice in every way possible and with everything at their disposal.

Thank you.

Ismail Sabo Ringim,
A Concerned Nigerian Citizen.
