My Interaction With A Humble Emir - Salis Moriki

It is my tradition whenever I visit my ancestral home, I do pay a visit to the palace, to extent my respect and greeting to the father of the kingdom, the Emir of Moriki, Alh. Isma'ila Muhammadu Ari 11. What distinguishes this from the previous ones is the time of the visit.

I went to the palace late, already dark when the emir had already retired in. But, to my surprise, when he was told that I was outside to greet him, he directed the palace officials to usher me in. And this is what happened.

We had a fruitful and educative interaction. The emir, though, above 70, is very sound and current about the political, economic and social happenings in the country. I was privileged to know many untold story about the political happenings in the country from this humble and easy-going emir.

Apart from political issue, we also indulged into security situation that has been bedeviling the entire state and the country in general. In the cause of our discussion, I was glad to know many things about my origin, my family background and so much more which I didn't know until then.

But what surprised me most, beyond the comprehension of the faculty of my brain, and left me in suspense, is the humility, simplicity of the emir. As first class emir as he is, his humbleness and humility influenced him to come out after he retired for the day because of a "NONENTITY" like me. This left me mesmerised and hypnotised. Really, simplicity is a talent.

May Allah continue to guide and direct him towards His path.

- Salis Muhammad Moriki
