The Very Sorry State Of Kaura Namoda Abattoir And Its Threat To Lives!

It is indeed regrettable and unfortunate to know the sorry state of Kaura Namoda Metropolitan Abattoir, where the meat we eat daily is being prepared and taken to the consumers. With dismay, but without any intention to ridicule or dent anybody's image, I would like to expose the unhygienic nature of Kaura Namoda abattoir, a place, where 99% of the meat being consumed in Kaura and its environs comes from.

 The abattoir is an eyesore, contaminated by all sort of dirties, capable of a pandemic disease outbreak, that can lead to death and casualties. The butchers too are in high risk of becoming victims of different types of diseases associated with contaminated/unhygienic environment, thus the need for authorities concerned to ward in.

Kaura Namoda Local Government with an estimated population of about Five hundred thousand and majority of whom dowels in Kaura Namoda town, a semiurban, occupied by farmers, traders and civil servants (Hosting Caliber of people in variety) a peaceful and accommodative community with only one General Hospital, Two Primaries Heath Care, two clinics and a Dispensary (within d metropolis).

 Why should Kaura Namoda be exposed to such danger that can be prevented in total! As wise saying goes, seeing is believing, I was opportune to visit the place to see with my necked eyes, the situation at hand, where I interacted with one of the butchers (name withheld), who decried the hazardous/unhygienic nature of the slaughterhouse and pleaded for prompt intervention of government and other concerned authorities.

 "We have been complaining about d abattoir, but no positive response" he said. I also went further to ask him where and how they source water they use in keeping the meat tidy and clean, he said from the river and a borehole located at about 400 meters away from the abattoir.

 The dialogue between my humble self and the butcher after oversight visit to the abattoir (today, Sunday, 10-12-2017, 10:32am) revealed that, the butchers used motorcycles to transport the meat from the abattoir to market, which is about 3KM far away from the slaughterhouse situated along Sabon Gari old bridge.

I was shocked, when I set my eyes on a dog licking a floor where d butchers dismantle any slaughtered animals as the slaughterhouse does not have ROOFING, DOORS, AND WINDOWS, AS WELL AS WATER SUPPLY. What is more annoying and regretting is the collapsed wall which makes the abattoir more or less an open place, visited by reptiles, vultures,dogs, and all sort of dangerous animals capable of spreading diseases.

 All the impurities removed from the slaughtered animals are being deposited around the house with no even 10 meters interval, thereby making the abattoir smells with an unbearable/pervasive odor that attracts Dogs, Vultures and insects that may deposit microorganisms (diseases).

You may wish to know that from online research conducted on diseases from dogs and insects, it reveals as follow: dog's saliva causes parasites to include hookworm, roundworm, salmonella etc and viruses such as Rebies plus other Fecal Coliform Bacteria which are known to cause Cramps, Diarrhea, intestinal illness and serious kidney disorder. While insects cause viruses like Chikungunya, Yellow fever, Dengue fever etc and diseases like Malaria, Sleeping sickness, Leishmaniasis, Filariasis.

All the aforementioned diseases are very threats to public health because some of them are THERMOPHILE'S and Contains PRIONS . I, therefore, as a concerned citizen of Kaura Namoda calling the attention of all stakeholders to come to our aid. 

Governments and NGOs/CSOs should please consider us and assist in any way they deem pit to save our lives. The pictures attached tell more about the abattoir, where on average, five cows/bulls are slaughtered daily. Abdulrazak Bello Kaura writes from Kaura Namoda Local Government, Zamfara State.

