ZSUBEB Host 2017 Public Schools Debate And Quiz Competition

The Zamfara State Universal basic education board (ZSUBEB) host a public primary Schools Debate and Quiz Competition organised by Gusau East Adc

The objective of the competition is to promote quality education and social interaction among the pupils of public primary schools in the state.
The participating schools  are Tudun wada model primary school Gusau, UBE low cost primary school Gusau, Samaru Model primary School, and Unguwar  gwaza housing estate primary school. The schools showcased their skills and potentials through various working models under the guidance of their mentors on controversial topics.
In the first category, Samaru Model primary school competed against Unguwar gwaza housing estate primary School on the topic, “School feeding program at the lower level of education brought more harm than good”

The second phase was between Tudun wada model primary school and UBE Low cost primary School, who debated on the topic: “poor school of education who is to blame, Government or Teachers?”
The students were judged on accuracy of facts and clarity in articulating their viewpoints.

The competition has greatly stimulated interest and motivation amongst both school children and teachers.
The debates offer an opportunity for the young sters to make contributions that will greatly influence societal development and  sustainability of our state and national future.

At the ends of the competition, Tudun wada model primary School Gusau came top in the quiz category by emerging 1st position, while Rijiyar gabas primary School get 2nd position.
In the first stage of the debate competition, Samaru Model primary school and Unguwar gwaza housing estate came 1st and 2nd respectively. While Tudun wada model primary School in the second phase won the 1st position in debate while 2nd position went to UBE low cost primary School respectively.
Speaking at the occasion which was held at Danturai Secondary school Gusau, the Executive Chairman Zamfara State Universal basic education board, Hon Murtala Adamu (Matawallen Jangebe) express happiness and satisfaction on level of pupils performance at all categories. matawallen Jangebe said there were no losers in the competition going by the practical demonstration on the burning issues, and clearly digested with backup reasons supporting or opposing the argument, from preliminary to the final stage; “I consider you all as winners" he said.
He commended the teachers for working round the clock to prepare their pupils for the competition and reiterated that the State Government would continue to provide conducive environment and other facilities that will enhance teaching and learning activities in the state.

Matawallen Jangebe reiterated  the state government determination to provide all that is required to ensure the provision of quality education that will support the younger ones in the state achieve their target in life by becoming what ever they want become in future.

The successful students who participated in the debate and quiz competitions were handsomely awarded with variously packages of educational materials as prizes at the end of the final round.

The debate competition had in attendance several  stakeholders in the education which including members of the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), members of the Local Government Education Authority (LGEA), staff of Ministry of Education, community leaders, teachers from various schools, parents, and participating & non-participating students.


Find below attached photos of the trophies and educational materials presented to  winners of the competition and bicycle to the best speaker of the  competition, a class 3 student from Tudun wada model primary School, Gusau.

khalifa Ja'afar
