FRANCE AND THE IPOB CONNECTION: Why We Must Boycott All French Made Goods And Services!

On Friday, the Honourable Minister of Information, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, had a closed door meeting with the French Ambassador in Nigeria.

Following that meeting, the Ambassador claimed that France "did not know" that IPOB has been operating its global account in Paris! Furthermore, the ambassador claimed that France has always stood with Nigeria in fighting terrorism!

Give us a break! The gospel truth is that France was caught red-handed giving sanctuary to IPOB terrorists. It is an open secret that France is the global headquarters of Boko Haram.

This is not surprising, considering that France is the only country that provided Ojukwu with full logistics support, fuel, arms and ammunition during the Biafran war.

Fellow compatriots, unless we mobilise ourselves and hit back, France will never leave us alone!

This is because they see Nigeria as a stumbling block towards achieving their hegemonic and Neocolonialist agenda in Africa.

All French former colonies in Africa are still economically tied to France, in a lopsided master-slave relationship.

In 2015, we put all our superficial differences, we mobilised Nigerians at home and around the world to defeat one of the most dangerous political movements the world has ever seen, called PDP.

Just recently, we used the power of social media to stop Abokis/Almajiris/Mallams/Hausas/Fulanis and other tribes of the North from killing our Igbo people living in the North. The result was spectacular. We humiliated IPOB terrorists and their sponsors.

We saved Nigeria from plunging into a religious and tribal war! We raised our status in the eyes of the International Community as a civilised and politically sophisticated people.

Now, France has been taken us for granted for too long. It is about time we use the power of our sheer numbers to teach them a hard lesson once and for all! There are 200 million Nigerians at home and around the world.

If everyone of us stops buying French made goods and services, within days, the French will feel the impact and show us the respect that we deserve!

From today, let us all STOP buying French made goods and services. The obvious ones in Nigeria are Air France, Peugeot, Citroen, and Total. Let us defeat IPOB by hurting their financial backers.

Saving Nigeria is a task that must be done, using whatever democratic tools at our disposal. Please share this post on your wall.

May God save Nigeria and Nigerians. Amen.

Dr. Idris Ahmed.
