The Nigerian Economy Of Yesterday And Today

The Nigerian economy of that yesterday and today have shown so much difference. We were all blinded by lots of things back then, this is not actually the first time Nigeria is facing a problem like this, the first time this happened is in the 80’s which lasted for almost two (2) decades, surprising right, we were able to come out of that one, then this should not be a problem for us.

After the successful winning of the current presidential election by the APC, Nigerians hoped for a better future and also change like we say frequently to the economy. We were once called the giant of Africa as at them, but now am not sure we are a state to stay in that position anymore.

Nigeria’s lack social cohesion has led to arrangement that breeds corruption, insecurities which is caused by BokoHaram and also policies that does not have positive effects on the growth of the economy.

The economy of yesterday which was back then, has lots of positive growths which was able to have taken us this far today, am not a critic of this present regime but there are some policies that need to take place for the change of this economy, to come out of this recession we need a strong government.

As of then the North was the centre of agricultural production, the South has industries of manufacturing and also a high work rate. The Jonathan’s administration has contributed to some of this, but however, they made some footprints when it came to economic reforms.

At present today we are barely out of recession, the oil prices are not even worth to talk about, inflation on all goods/items in the market. We as citizens find it hard to purchase things we need, many people are currently living in poverty and this has even made things worse as some of the youth are now going into different social vices.

The truth must actually be told to us all, many companies have laid off workers, because they cannot afford to pay them salaries. Now lets take a look at this, how will they cope or survive. Earlier this year, lots of banks close their branches, many lost their jobs as a result of all this.

Depending on one sector alone, bring about lots of setbacks to the economy. Nigeria has made it known for themselves, that without oil, it is difficult for them to have a stable economy. Statistics have shown that the average Nigeria does not even have enough to feed his family, “Now this question goes to us now” Are we going to remain in recession forever or should we diversify into other sectors of the economy ?

Before this recession, there were problems with this nation in terms o the economy aspect, many of us claim that we are living well, some say the nation was a better place. Now lets see how true is this. At then, the only thing we focus on was the crude oil, before all these took place our corrupt leaders were looting lots of money from this sector.

Oil prices were okay by then, some were spending well and living lavishly, banks do not lay down any workers, things were going smooth for many people, but take a look at this, as it not to come to our notice, that the actions of yesterday in the economy is actually what is affecting us presently now.

Imagine then we stick to advice and warnings, we were able to diversify, and make good use of other sectors, leaders were brought out for their crime, what would be of this country today? If we were to compare, lots of people will say back then things were better, I totally agree, but the actions of yesterday are what is now speaking for us today, the way our leaders made the bed we are now lying and suffering from it. I drop my pen down at this point, what is your take on this?
