Role Of Youth In The Community Development

Role Of Youth In The Community Development 


Young people in any country represent the future of that country. They have a vital role to play in the development of the country, state, society and their respective local communities a duty they must perform.

There are many ways that youth can contribute to community development. They can do so by working hard in any field they are involved in, be it the teaching, activism, struggling, politics,  mechanic, or farming field. Working for one’s nation with total devotion and commitment is an obligation for every citizen thus the need to have orientation events for our youth to teach them what national service is all about.

However, to ensure the active participation of young people in community development, they need to be supported and encouraged by themselves,  government, the private sector, the civil society and their parents.

One does not need to belabour the point that there are many young people who if given the required support can contribute meaningfully to community development. But bringing such youths onboard the development wagon becomes the responsibility of those in authority.

Having said that, it is also essential to note that young people must also believe in themselves; that they can become a big asset both individually and collectively to national development if they work hard.

The continued over-dependency phenomenon cannot take our youth anywhere, nor can it help them to meaningfully contribute to national development as expected.

It is true that today’s youth are facing many challenges, such as unemployment and drug abuse, but there also exist opportunities to gradually overcome some of these challenges.

In a situation where opportunities are limited – like nowadays - youth seeking jobs must avoid the habit of pick-and-choose; instead they should learn to take what is available till they get what they want. Our state needs more qualified Teachers,  Security engineers, plumbers, tailors, economists, healths personal,  politicians and journalists, etc to lead us to our developmental aspirations.

However, to help our youths get to where they want and enable them become effective contributors to nation-building all hands must be on deck in achieving this objective, as the youth need support and motivation.

Also to enhance the participation of youth in community development, they must be given the opportunity to effectively participate in decision-making processes, especially on issues affecting their lives.

"Let us acknowledge and celebrate what youth can do to build a safer, more jus world. let us strengthen our efforts to include young people in policies, programmes and decision-making processes that benefit their futures and ours."

Let's our Youths note that engaging in community development is engaging in life saving our Youthfulness must work towards community development for the betterment of state of living.
Join together and support our team #ZamfaraYouthsMustsurvive.
Allah ya shigemuna gaba.

Ubaidullah Yahaya Kaura
