My Encounter With Governor Yari Of Zamfara -- Salis Moriki


As a soccer old termer, it is a tradition for me that every weekend, I do go to field for weekend training. It was on that fateful Saturday, 19th August, 2017, I met some missed calls when I returned from the field. I normally call back numbers that called me more than once. One of the numbers I called happened to be Governor Abdulazeez Yari's number. 

He introduced himself to me and told me why he called...that he wanted to meet with me privately and the meeting would concentrate on two issues: to discuss generally on the management of public affairs, especially Zamfara state. Secondly, to discuss his political future. 

 He invited me to his residence which I honoured. I went there on the particular date that was arranged. After following due protocol, I met the governor in the sitting room alone waiting for my arrival. He was wearing white kaftan and black cap with bathroom slippers while I was in my clothe I bought during last sallah. 

I entered with Salamun Alaik...and he replied with wa'alykumussalam warahmatulLah. We shook each other and he showed me a seat after exchanging pleasantries. We had a thorough insightful and analytical discussion with the executive governor at his residence, but strictly on the aforementioned areas. The governor was free and straight to the point while I was candidly bold and sincere to myself and the issue on discussion. 

The governor, first of all, asked me to explicitly xray the merits, demerits and likely repercusions of his leadership and at the tale end, I may pass a judgement and give him some pieces of advice towards his administration and future political endeavour. I told him that I couldn't xray his administration nor pass judgement. Besides, I am not anywhere educated nor am I an expert in any particular field, but let me be sincere and the sincerity be my credential. 

I would also be as inquisitive as possible, because I had questions pertaining his administration and he agreed on that. As I have said, I was bold and candid through out the discussion because I realised that was a great opportunity for me to vomit all in my mind to the governor and act as an intermediary between the governor and his subjects. I started by reminding the governor of the antecedents that led to his emergence as the executive governor in 2011, especially what transacted between two of them (Honorable members) and Senator Ahmad Sani Yarima in the latter's house, Abuja. 

The contributions civil servants and members of the public gave to him, when they defied the incumbent and voted for him. I boldly told him that his election (2011) was the most people oriented election ever took place in the state. I observed he was shaking his head and very remorseful when I was recalling all these things to him. When I was through with the retrospect, I dabbled into his leadership phenomenon. 

I started by commending him for the job welldone in the areas of road constructions. I asked him to remind me of the number of kilometres he constructed in the state. He said minimum of 25km in each of the 14 local governments. I also commended him for the renovations of some schools and hospitals in the state. I really believed that he was enticed by that commendation. 

 I said Your Excellency sir, let me continue with the education sector. I hope you are very much aware that none of Zamfara state public school students has seen his NECO/WAEC results despite its release last couple of months and the Federal Government had last week disclosed this year's cut off mark for University/Polytechnic? You may resolve to settle the outstanding balance for the sake of the students and general development of the state. 

 I also brought to his attention, though, I knew he was very much aware, that the state budgeted & spent more than 700 billion in the last 6 years, still, there are thirteen primary schools in DanSadau Emirates Council, Maru local Government without teachers. For years, there are no teachers to teach children ready to learn, & those that are ready, find no one ready to pay for their work (no government presence). In a village called Mutunji, no single child has finished primary school since 2015. I also drew his attention to the damning report that about 60% of teachers in the state are not qualified to teach. 

 I urged him to address this calamity if he didn't. The governor told me that he red this report in Daily Trust some time back. But he would get to the state SUBEB to know the present situation in the affected areas. It was 1:30pm and time for lunch. 

The governor asked me to move over to the dining table. Oh! What I saw there, was astonishing and astounding. I came across more than 10 different types of food. That's the real 'balanced diet'. What I ate on that fateful day, I didn't even eat it when I was invited to the Villa by the Buhari administration in recognition of the contributions we gave for his success at the poll through social media.

 When I realised that's my first time of having such enjoyment, I counselled myself not to eat much so that I might not have problem with my stomach later...and that was what happened. I ate moderately without exceeding my capacity. Immediately after the lunch, we continued our with discussion at the dinning table. It was at that juncture, I asked the governor about the epidemic that had befallen Zamfara state recently and the issue of the likely reason behind the disaster which he attributed to adultery and formication committed by the people. 

The governor said "yes, it was true, but the statement was misinterpreted and politicised. Everybody knows that when there's prevalence of adultery and formication, there would be such disaster". I said yes, but you only made such statement at the wrong time, sir. It was supposed to be after the disease was put under control. I was adamant not to move out of that issue. 

I asked the governor if he was aware of the allegation of corruption in the taskforce committee he set up to tackle the meningitis under the leadership of the state SSG and the report of the committee he set up to investigate the allegation in the said committee. The governor promised to get into it and call me back. It was in the cause of our discussion, we went into the issue of security. I had the opportunity to ask him why they resolved to reconciliatory method and the process they followed to reconcile the two warring parties ie cattle rustlers and the other party. 

I also asked the governor the fate of those killed and their property vandalised or carted away. Moreover, I wanted to know if monetary compensation was involved, especially to the rustlers. The governor was so attentive and concentrated in what I was asking, but he was so much interested and attentive when I raised the issue of the money he said was involved in the fight against cattle rustlers and other security challenges in the last six years of his administration. I needed an explanation from him where the government sourced the N13 billion he said he spent and if the monies were captured in the appropriation process of the state. 

Asked His Excellency if there was agreement between the federal government and the state government before the monies were used since I heard him requesting for refund. The governor paused for a while before responding to me. When I realised he wanted to tell me what actually happened, I declined by saying sir, I would like this to be in black and white, which he obliged to do so.

 Towards the end of our meeting, I asked His Excellency his plans, politically after the expiration of his tenure and the issue of who he would like to succeed him, his relationship with his Boss, Senator Ahmad Sani Yarima, his presidential ambition etc. I also told him the complaint his people do for his frequent junket from one place to another in chartered flights with the state's reaources. He all responded to these questions, but answered none. 

 Finally, I advised his Excellency to make sure he reconcile with the state civil servants, boost the state agricultural sector as it constitutes 80% of the state workforce, declare state of emergency in education being the backbone of development, look into the health sector and provide enough security for the lives and property of his subjects. 

 After the two hours discussion, I left his house, but His Excellency, Abdul'azeez Yari Abubakar saw me off to the main gate of his house while security personnel were behind us. I was about to leave when he said there was something I forgot to tell you. Unfortunately, before he tells me that thing, I heard my wife waking me up that it was time for SUBHI PRAYER. 


By Salis Muhammad Moriki
