Security Situation In Gusau The State Capital

By Kasim Sulaiman Abdullahi

In the fast few days, the security situation in the capital city leaves much to be desired. Hoodlums now operate unhindered without any fear of arrest from the security agencies.

The new trend is that thugs have the temerity to stop anyone who falls fry to their action by demanding one to surrender his/her mobile phone having branded their cutlass to scare their victims.

Two incidents involving close friends attests to this. The first was in front of a friend house at the housing estate along Kaura Nomoda road during the just concluded strike action where the duo's mobile phones were confiscated with one receiving a slap with cutlas for putting a resistance.

The other incident happened yesterday at Sabuwar Hanya area in Tudunwada at about 8pm where hoodlums numbering about 7 branding cutlas came and collected the mobile phones of two friends of mine who were seated in front of their house.

I want to call on the State Government and the security agencies particularly the Nigeria Police to as a matter if urgency checkmate the activities of these miscreant and restore law and order within Gusau metropolis.

By Kasim Sulaiman Abdullahi


  1. Pls I want use thi oppotunity to call one the zm state gvn to fullfill his promises that he made during his campng that he will provide the means of transpot in tsafe LG Noth between Hayin Alhaji,yanware, hegi,buke buke,qaxai,and othears villages arouand the area to tsafe mitropolisis.we still expecting


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