Dear Zamfara Political Facebook Users, By Jamilu Musa

It is baffling, the way some youth uses their Facebook account to promote every dick harry aspiring to have access to public treasury.

Facebook is a platform for social interactions; promoting friendship, cultural heritage, entertainment or sources of vital information and Rumour. But youth in my state downplayed such opportunities offered by Facebook, and turned them selves to politicians online attack dogs at the alter of a peanut.

While those politicians you are struggling to depend with poor grammar, send their children to best schools around the world, at time such children laugh at your stupidity and hopelessness in motor gaging your future and that of the state in anticipation of a financial rewards.

It will be more benefiting and a service to humanity, if you channel your energy in advocating for good governance, creating political awareness and public enlightenment to majority gullible and uninformed masses in the state, that queue in scorching heat to votes for undesirable candidates solely because of the party or his godfather.

Remember that, zamfara is the only state we can proudly called our own. Therefore, it is our collective duty to promote any politician we deems has the potential and zeal to develop our downtrodden state.

And also fight and challenge Godfatherism, political sycophancy and bigheaded politicians that don't have the interest of our state at heart, politicians that seek power to empower their friends,families and proxies.
