International Conference For SUBEB Chairmen In London As Frame Work For Revitalizing Basic Education In Nigeria

While at UK championing the process of enhancing basic education for better and feature primary education in Nigeria.

The concept is always to introduce new strategies that will revitalize our grassroots system of education.

The scenario of having wrong people to coordinate Nigeria educational system contribute in destroying the past heritage of quality education. Glory be to Allah In Zamfara State, we have a personality who is equal to the task.

Government and people of the state considered him as one who will save our basic education from collapsing.

We are referring to RTH Murtala Adamu Matawallen jangebe the Executive Chairman Universal Basic Education Board. Whom his stewardship breeds enormous success, development and above all projecting the state to the acceptance of the global partners to support the primary education in different areas.

To intensify the level of his dedication and commitments to enhance basic education. Mallam Murtala Adamu is currently in London together with his counterparts from the thirty six state of the federation, making presentation, participation in series of round table discussion and visitations that will chat a new course for the improvement of primary education in Nigeria and Zamfara State in particular.

It will interest you to see our icon chairing around table session in some of pictures below.

We always pray for you not to be tied in initiating and creating positive initiatives that will transform education generally in Zamfara State. Wishing you safe trip back home sir.
