There is unrestricted polygamy practiced in most human societies throughout the world in every age. This indicated the polygamous nature of men which is unarguable. But feminists may objects to this natural legacy bestowed to their men, by insisting that women should also be able to practice polygamy if not its unfair to their own side.

Men were created polygamous because of needs to it in human society. There is normally a surplus of women in most human society. The surplus is a result of men dying in war, violent crime and women outliving men. If systems do not carter to the need surplus of women, it will result in corruption in the society. This corruption entails the spread of prostitution in the society as do occurred immediately after the second world war ll in Germany, when majority of the churches rejected the suggestion if polygamy. That leads to the legalization of prostitution. German prostitute are now considered as workers like any other professional. They pay tax, insurances and also benefited from many legacies as a right. Further more, the rate of marriage has been steadily declining as each succeeding generation finds the institution of marriage more and more irrelevant.

Western civilization and feminist movement have really engraved deep our minds, that altered our natural way of thinking. These could not be in line with our culture nor our religion. In the early time, the western world inherited monogamy from Greece and Rome where men were restricted by law to one wife but free to have as many mistresses, prostitute or girlfriends as he wishes, but its a taboo for him to be polygamous.

In our community were hausa-fulani are the majority as well must are Muslims but uptill now failed to realized the benefit of polygamy. These benefit includes a protection from contacting or spreading of sexually transmitted diseases, decreases in the surplus of women in the society etc. This is in the western world, but even in the Muslim society of today only minority practices polygamy marriage, this is due to so many terms and conditions attaches to it. Although the Muslim men would like to have more than one wife but the expenses of maintaining more than one family or the afraid of domestic violence were a man is either been charmed or emotionally destabilized by both the first wife and his relatives.

The question which our western critics as well as the unthinkable and religiously deficient men and women always raised remain" If God is wishes good for his creature, why would he legislate something which is will be harmful to his creatures?" . The answer is, a divine legislation looks at the society as a whole seeking maximized benefit. If a certain legislation benefit the majority of the society and causes emotional harm to a minority , the welfare if the society us given precedence. May Allah help us. Ameen

