Tears For The Life Of Maryam Sanda

By Ahmed Ibrahim

My eyes welled with tears as soon as information of the. Tragic event that happened in the matrimonial home of Bilya and His Wife maryam on Saturday. From experience I know that the family are in for a week of trouble from us. Us the noise makers in social media that majority of us celebrate sad stories but good stories are never worth our while. I was right. Before anyone can substantiate anything the poor girl was at the receiving end of the social media warriors. I tend to hold opinion different from the majority. I may be wrong.

We are in a hurry to curse such that we forget that Maryam could be a. normal gentle wife who was involved in a tragic trial that no human will beat his chest and say he can't find himself in such a situation.
Some people quickly concluded that It may be related to upbringing. That she is spoilt bla bla bla. I don't think that must be the issue. otherwise, the son of Umar Bin Alkhathab RTA will not commit adultery. You can't be anywhere close to his family discipline but his son was tried. Umar instilled in him the best of character.

By Allah, I believe Maryam Love Binyamin hundred times more than me, you or any noise maker. You can teeth this from the Jealousy exhibited as it is is the right indicator for love. And to be fair to Maryam it doesn't appear she wanted to kill him. You can't fast drive who you want to kill to hospital for treatment.

The story of stabbing with knife is not justifiable by anybody. When the event occurred, the only witness was Maryam. You are not there, am not there, no one was there except her. If anyone wants to know the true picture she will be the only one to narrate. As adults, with life experience I was shocked how we grand stands on moral issues, behaving as if we are too pure, learned, trained and disciplined to be in her shoes.

Sayyid Daawud Alaihissalam was once roaming streets and he imagines all he met on road are better than him in the eyes of Allah. Till he met a black dog asleep and he toyed with the idea that he may be better than the Dog. But he finally recinded the thought. Allah SAW then revealed to him that, had he stuck to the idea of being better than the dog, his name would have been removed from the list of the prophets. As educated Muslims we should have piety on tragedies be falling fellow Muslims.

By Allah I think Maryam is better than me, both in character and righteousness. She is a young girl with a bright future caught in a fatal trial of life. Think of it my dear readers, this girl is the highest victim of this tragedy compared to all of us, including or compared only to Bilya parents. She lost a husband, father of her Dauther, her only Dauther, she lost respect, of a community she belongs to, she is left with an orphan, a seven months old. Baby girl, on her laps, feeding from her breasts, every now and then, resembling the face of the departed father, and she must look straight into the eyes of this baby, she is on trial and she is in prison. Inna lillahi wa Inna ilaihi raajiuunn. With this picture in any sane mind, we still have courage and energy to wag our tongues to flog her personality every second?

Let's we forget, she is not cut from a tree. She have immediate and larger family. Father, sisters, brothers, cousins, uncles, etc who now cringes to touch their phones out of fear of our tongues, as we mercilessly utter unprintable words against her. Even for their sake, and the baby, who have no mother other than maryam, we need to be kind hearted.

Some of us make mistake of assuming their noise will give the departed soul of Bilya Justice. His parents are quite but this group are armed with sanders in the name of seeking justice. Look if you release Maryam today and allow her to go free she will never be free. She is tried so hard that she most likely will live the rest of her life miserably.

While praying Allah should protect us from such trials let's pray that after all she just pushed him from their usual scuffle and he fell on the sharp objects whatever they are and got the wounds that was his Ajal. Then we try to console this young lady and try to re unite her with the society. This is the most positive thinking I expect from fellow Muslims in this case.

This event reminds me of Alhajjaj ibn Yusouf, the Governor of Iraq under the leadership of Yazid bin Muawiya. He was notoriously brutal who takes life of a Muslim for minor offense. It was reported that, during his reign, he killed about 150,000 peopl. He was so brutal such that many people,, including mild pious people like Umar bin Abdulaziz and Hussein Bin Ali the second, begin to assume he will not pardoned by Allah the most High. Alhajjaj last words, when he was dying, was 'OH ALLAH HAVE MERCY ON ME BECAUSE PEOPLE SAID YOU CANT'.

The night after, one of the pious Muslims saw Hajjaj in a dream pardoned by Allah. When he reported his dream to people Hussain Vin Ali said 'if he is pardoned by Allah itwas Bcos of his last prayer'. Even Umar bin Abdulaziz, who was never in good terms with Hajjaj from the day he killed Abdullahi Ibn Azzubair, the Governor of Makka that rime, always comment that ', If there is anything I envy from Hajjaj it was his last prayer'. May Allah forgive us for our short coming.
