must start by appreciating the efforts of some reasonably right thinking youth who staged a peaceful protest to the state assembly last week. i was both happy and angry for some reasons:

1. I should form part of the protesters but was denied access to knowing what was going on

2. As part of the youth who feels things are not going the way they should with the administration.

3. As part of the political class who sits at the opposing side to the administration.

4. As one who is never scared of making my position boldly known, regardless of what anyone will feel or say.

BUT NOW...............

i just realized the decision not let know of the protest was the best ever, for i can clearly say " THE PROTEST NEVER HAD ANY POLITICAL INCLINATION" had it been that, it was politically inclined, i would have been the chief organizer and the leader of the protest. I salute the youth for summoning courage to take this bold step may the almighty Allah continue to guide and protect you in all you do and give you the strength to do this more and more and eventually emerge victorious at the end of the tunnel.

We as opposition party should have organized this, but i must be bold to say it loud enough for everyone to hear that WE FAILED as a party. we joined the APC in failing at the state level. Our so called leaders are dining with the devil at night and pretending to be in opposition in the daytime. Your actions has made me proud as a young man from Zamfara state.

I never met most of those who organize and/or participated in the protest, but frankly speaking i am not disappointed.

I still lead the PDP youth in the state but have never set my eyes to the following, except on social media:-

4. Jalaludeen Maradun but met the following only once or twice in my lifetime

8. Mannir Muazu Haidara is the closest person to me, i met him in FUT Minna, though not mates but we were close since we are all from Zamfara.

Time heal wounds, i believe those who think objectively will understand why i am in PDP and remained with the party. i was able to understand the kind of person in Abdulaziz Yari Abubakar early enough and i concluded the best place for me is the opposite side, since humans and animals cannot feed in the same bowl, your recent actions has only vindicated my earlier decision, i only got to know that much earlier than most of you.

I am not a fan of watching films, football etc but you guys have made me watch over the video clip over and over. Dan azumi has done great, don't mind my thoughts, great to those of us who feel he is only substantiating the claim that " A TEACHER OF IDIOTS WILL ALSO BE AN IDIOT" and where nothing is given, nothing is expected.

those who feel politics is not for the educated and responsive elites should know from now, that when humans refuse to partake in politics.....................Animals dominate.
You all need to be active and politically conscious . A WORD IS ENOUGH ...........................
