NLC Strike And The Politics Of Simulation

By Elkabeer Mafara

Let me first of all commend the representatives of Zamfara State chapter of the Nigerian Labor Congress, Trade Union, Academic staff Unions of polytechnics and colleges, whole lot of others and particularly a determined Comrade BASHIR MAFARA for their relentless efforts, sleepless nights and comradeship in the struggle for successful even though conditionally suspended strike  Actions that speaks volume of your exuberance in protecting the right and the interest of the people you are representing, equally, the earnest support, patience and bearing the hardship of the comprehensive and umbrella of Zamfara Stete civil servants, is worthy of tribute and appreciation.

Alhamdu lillah, the merciful, who Alon deserved to be worship and whose intervention in to the matter through the veterans, Senior citizens, influential persons an Elder statesmen who found it very important to put in the benefits of their experience in resolving the issue in spit of their old age, schedules and the distance of their terminals. May Almighty Allah rewards them abundantly and may Allah grant the government the ability to turn their listing ears to conform the demands of the civil servants and resolve the matter once and for all.

However, I observed with disappointed feelings, the way some political elements in the state, takes the advantage of this lingering issues for their political Blessings, they are quite happy with the dispute between the labour Congress and the government even though, the are part and parcel of the this government, their hope and prayers was that the dispute continues to their overwhelming benefits. Behold! They were turned out to be disappointed by the intervention of the elders.

It is still part of their plans, conspire in silence until the incumbent Governor suffered a bad name and political damages, perhaps that was why a brimming politician remain silent over the burning issue hopping to remain the only influential political Godfather in the state as usual. Unfortunately for him, his abominable and guilty political miscalculation is revealing every now and then.

It is pathetic, more especially, many of our electorates are yet to understand that some politicians are disguising under religion in the name of politics for their personal ambitions at the experience of economic and social development their subjects.

I foresee  danger in Zamfara state politics where opposition parties are not up to their responsibilities, they were deadly silence on almost everything including issues that concerns citizens. My Call to oppositions like Alhaji Abu Shamba, wakeup to your responsibilities on issues of important like this or you keep quite forever.

perhaps, this is why all social media activist are termed to be oppositions and enemies Of this administration.

