Another View On The Abdulrasheed Maina Saga;

After reading through the correspondences on the Maina re-absorption back to Civil Service, I deduce as follows:

1. There was court case bothering on corruption and criminal misconduct against Maina which lead to his disengagement from civil service.

2. Maina went to court to challenge the case against him and he got judgement in his favour.

3.The press did not inform the public about the court judgement in favour of Maina.

4. The body that Sued Maina did not appeal the judgement passed by Federal High court.

5. Maina presented the Judgement (in his favour) to AGF.

6. The AGF wrote to Federal Civil Commission seeking them to review the disciplinary action taken against Maina since the premise upon which the action was taken has been vacated by court.

7. Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) is the agency responsible for Appointment,  Promotion & Discipline of Civil Servants not Office Head of Service as the press erroneously portrayed.

8. FCSC wrote letter to HoS seeking recommendation of placement for Maina. The HoS wrote to Ministry of Interior, his last post, seeking input in which he was recommended to be reabsorbed as a Deputy Director not as Director as he sought.

My take: The main issue here is lack of appeal to the judgement. Who ever took Maina to court was supposed to have appealed the judgement if not satisfied. The FCSC acted within their limits. The AGF has prerogative of appealing the judgement or otherwise.

An appeal from AGF would have served the purpose of fairness and natural justice and calm the frayed nerves of the concerned public.

The press had continued to misled the gullible public as they normally do. They approached Ministry of Interior first seeking for reason of reinstatement and later Head of Service instead of Federal Civil Service Commission. I wonder if the Nigerian Press are recruiting staff from Facebook posters.

The social media reacted based on half-story, out of emotion and with distrust as usual.

By Baba Ali Kellu
